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时间:2008-06-11  作者:  来源:株洲新东方 点击量:


Part I Writing

Rising Divorce Rates in China

As is shown in the bar chart, the divorce rate in China almost doubled every decade during the period between 1956 and 1996. Obviously, China has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate in the previous forty years.


Several reasons, to my knowledge, are responsible for this phenomenon. To begin with, legal changes have simplified divorce procedures, and removed barriers to divorce. In addition, the changes in personal economic activities also facilitate the divorce. Both of the couple can live on their own instead of depending on their partners. In other words, they can make the decision easily, when they would like to break up the marriage. Finally, a significant change can be found in social attitude towards the divorced persons. The discrimination to those divorced people has almost been wiped out.


Generally speaking, as I have stated above, the rise in divorce rate has become a severe problem in China, so it is high time for us to place great emphasis on this issue. Therefore, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent this trend.



Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1.N    2. Y  3.N    4.Y    5.N    6.N    7.NG

8. fiber and water   

9. backpack with a 5- or 10-pound bag of sugar inside 

10. a large caffè latte and a chocolate cream-cheese muffin


Part Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

11. B      12. A      13. C      14. D      15. B      16. C      17. D      18. B      19. C      20. B

21. D      22. B      23. C      24. D      25. B      26. D      27. A      28. C      29. B      30. A

31. D      32. C      33. B      34. C      35. D

36. dimensions    37. mastery       38. self-esteem   39. depression

40. activity      41. composed      42. optimism      43. independent

44. A woman could be high in mastery and low in pleasure, and vice versa.

45. might be feeling very good about herself in control of her work life, but the pleasure side could be damaged for a time.

46. But they know that both mastery and pleasure are critical.


Part IV Reading Comprehension(reading in depth)

47. conscious        48. performance   49. linked           50. department    51. sleep

52. emotionally   53. undergoing    54. over      55. deal with    56. determine

57.A       58.B       59.A       60.D       61.C       62.D       63.A       64.B       65.C      66.C


Part V Cloze


67.C       68.B       69.A       70.C       71.A       72.D       73.C       74.D       75.D       76.B

77.A       78.B       79.C       80.D       81.C       82.B       83.D       84.D       85.B      86.A


Part VI Translation

87. Though we have made great progress

88. is too proud to see his own shortcomings

89. the quality of life is as important as life itself

90. that the authority took proper steps to solve the traffic problems

91. can you learn English well.




Section A

11. W: What’s the home assignment of the English literature course?

M: Write an article based on Unit 3. Remember, next time, it’s your turn to do make a speech.

Q: What will the woman do in addition to the homework for the whole class?

12. M: Hi, Julie, long time no see! Are you still working for the same company?

W: Well, currently, yes, but I’m going to apply for a better position in another firm.

Q: What does the woman mean?

13. M: Tom’s such a funny person! He’s always the focus in the class.

W: Well, I’m afraid I just can’t get used to his sense of humor.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

14. W: Good morning, Sir, how do you think of my term paper, the theme is Touring Resources in China.

M: The topic is not bad, but you’d better to polish your wording.

Q: What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

15. M: Congratulations! I heard that you’ve got grade A for your thesis, and I must say you deserve it.

W: Thank you, I’ve stayed up for several nights to write it, and now I can relax for a while.

Q: Why is the woman so happy?

16. W: Hello, this is room service. What can I do for you?

M: I’d like to have a well-done steak with vegetable salad. Please send the dishes to Room 203.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

17. W: Excuse me, do you know when Flight 781 will take off?

M: It should be 8pm. But the radio said the time of departure will be delayed for half and hour because of the bad weather.

Q: When will the flight take off?

18. M: I’m looking for an apartment with the monthly rent of no more than $100. Do you have any suggestion?

W: It’s hard to find such cheap houses here. Rents are lower in the suburb, but the transportation will be a big problem.

Q: What can we conclude from the conversation?


Conversation One

W: Good morning, Mr. Hays. This is the minutes of yesterday’s conference.

M: Thank you, Miss Green. By the way, our firm’s going to hire a new sales person. Please draft a recruitment ad for me

W: Ok, sir. So what’s your requirement for the new staff? What kind of person is there in your mind?

M: Well, first of all, I think he or she, who ever it is, should be honest and reliable.

W: Yes, honesty is the essential quality.

M: Besides, he should be easy-going, with active personality, because a qualified sale person should have the ability to deal with personal relationship with others. You know, that’s critical.

W: Exactly. But I think in addition to these features, the potential person should also have eligible educational background.

M: Oh, yes, of course, college degree is a must. I won’t insist to have a straight A student, but it will be better if the person’s good at English and computer.

W: I’ve got that.

M: Anyway, theory or book knowledge is not the decisive factor. On the other hand, how to tackle tricky problems is more important.

W: So do you mean practical working experience should take more accounts?

M: Right. In my opinion, the new staff should have at least 3 year full-time working experience.

W: I see. Then what kind of salary and benefit are you going to offer?

M: Er…I don’t want to give him a big salary to start with. But we can provide reasonable benefits, like paid vacations and so on.

W: It will be a good way. I’ve make notes of all what you’ve mentioned, and I’ll put the recruitment ad on the newspaper as soon as possible.

M: Thanks a lot.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.What is the ideal personality of the new staff?

20. Which of the following is not the necessary quality of the new sales person?

21. What will the man offer to the new staff?


Conversation Two

W: Good afternoon, Professor Miller. May I speak to you for a minute?

M: Sure, come in, please.

W: I’m now taking your course in geography. Your lectures are really inspiring. But I’m…having a little bit problems with the latest assignment.

M: Oh? What sort of trouble are you in? Is the assignment too difficult?

W: Well, the assignment question is ok, but it’ll be due on next Monday. I think such a deadline is too tight. 

M: If I were you, I’d have saved every minute to do the work instead of complaining.

W: I know…but I have to work part-time to support myself after school, so a lot of time has been occupied by my work.

M: Er….well, it seems you do have some reasons. Ok, I can give you some extra time. Then you should turn in your homework before next Thursday.

W: Thank you very much, professor!

M: By the way, have you gone through the references I’ve mentioned on the reading list?

W: I’ve been to the school library for several times, but those books are not available these days. So I just refer to some relative journals.

M: Well, I’ll give you my written permission, so next time you can have the priority to borrow the books from the library.

W: That’s very kind of you, thanks a lot!

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What is the woman’s problem?

23. What does the woman hope for?

24. Why does the woman can’t finish her homework on time?

25. What does the professor offer to do at the end of their conversation?


Section B

Passage One

How to give a successful speech in public? When making a speech to a small audience, just know who you are talking to, pay attention to them, and don't care their facial expressions. But when addressing a large group of people, remember to project your voice as much as possible.

People often have the misconception that they can't use notes when they give speeches. Actually some of the best speakers do use notes. The difference is you have to deliver rather than read. And by delivery it means that you look up from your words, you read ahead, you don't depend on your note the entire time, it's simply there to guide you.

Women tend to have a problem with long hair. If you have long hair and you are going to speak, push it back. Men have a problem with pockets. They don't know what to do with their hands. If you are going before a group of business people, you're not going to wear a pair of jeans. On the other hand, if you are going in front of an informal group, you want to have the people identify with you and just be more casual.

So when you get up to speak, it's really important for you to remember that you have something to say, you have the right to say it and people want to hear what you have to say.

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What does the author tell us to do when giving speeches to a large audience?

27. How should people use notes when giving a speech according to the author?

28. What should people do in front of an informal group?


Passage Two

Most people think of a greenhouse as a special glass structure used to grow plants all year long. Now the word has a quite different meaning. A greenhouse is less harmful to the environment than other houses.

Greenhouses are designed to be sustainable. They provide people today with what they need and they don’t use up or damage the natural resources needed in the future. For years, architects in many areas of the world have designed and built them for environmental activists. However, rapidly rising energy costs are increasing the demand worldwide for houses that use less energy and other resources.

Scientists have pointed out that there are some rules to achieve sustainability. The first and the most important is to stop depending on energy from fossil fuels. Instead, green buildings use the sun’s energy as much as possible for heat and power. The second rule is to make sure the air inside a home is healthy and clean. And the third one is to use the land responsibly. Build smaller houses and keep as much natural land as possible around them.

In many American cities, there are new stores that sell parts of old houses and other buildings. The materials are sold at low cost. People re-use them in their homes or businesses. This helps the environment because something new does not have to be manufactured and the old materials don’t have to be buried or destroyed. As one storekeeper says, “I believe that re-using materials is the greenest thing you can do.”

Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. In the opinion of most people, what does a greenhouse probably stand for?

30. According to the passage, what is the problem the architects are facing?

31. According to the scientists, what is the most important rule to achieve sustainability?

32. What does the storekeeper’s word mean at the end of the passage?


Passage Three

Scientific evidence has shown that secondhand tobacco smoke is a serious public health risk. Recently Surgeon General Richard Carmona released the government's largest report ever on secondhand smoke. The report indicates that nonsmokers increase their risk of lung cancer by up to thirty percent if they live with a smoker.

Children are especially at risk from the poisonous chemicals in tobacco smoke because their bodies are still developing. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to babies with low birth weight which can bring about many health problems.

Secondhand smoke kills about fifty thousand adults in the United States each year. Most of these nonsmokers die from heart disease and lung cancer. About four hundred thirty newborn babies die from sudden infant death syndrome as a result of secondhand smoke.

Scientists have identified more than fifty cancer-causing substances in secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoke also damages blood passages. And it reduces the ability of the heart to correct abnormal heartbeats.

The government has made protection actions to separate smokers from nonsmokers or clean the air in buildings. There has been much progress in establishing smoke-free public places in the United States. Blood tests show that Americans are being exposed to secondhand smoke in fewer numbers and at lower levels since the late nineteen eighties. But the surgeon general says it is not enough. Almost half of all nonsmokers in the United States are still breathing tobacco smoke at home, work or both.

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. What has Surgeon General Richard Carmona’s report revealed?

34. According to the passage, what is the cause of some newborn babies’ death?

35. What is Doctor Carmona’s viewpoint about the protection actions at the end of the passage?


Section C

For women, well-being has two dimensions. One is mastery, which includes self-esteem, a sense of control over your life, and low levels of anxiety and­­­­ depression. Mastery is closely related to the “doing” side of life, to work and­­­ activity. Pleasure is the other dimension, and it is composed of happiness, satisfaction and optimism. It is tied more closely to the “feeing” side of life. The two are independent of each other. A woman could be high in mastery and low in pleasure, and vice versa. For example, a woman who has a good job, but whose mother has just died, might be feeling very good about herself in control of her work life, but the pleasure side could be damaged for a time. The concepts of mastery and pleasure can help us identify the sources of well-being for women, and remedy past mistakes. In the past, women were encouraged to look only at the feeling side of life as the source of all well-being. But they know that both mastery and pleasure are critical.















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