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时间:2006-05-10  作者:  来源:北京新东方学校 点击量:

1.        M: Maria, I lent you a couple of videos last week, I’d like to pass them on to another student today.

W: I have one in my bag, but could I keep the other one until tomorrow? I haven’t quite finished it yet.

Q: What does the woman imply?

2.        M: Is there a discount on tickets for the student ID Card

W: let me see, I’ll need to check. Just a second.

Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

3.        W: Didn’t you say your brother used to come to this school before you did?

M: Yep, he sure did. And my sister will start next fall.

Q: What does the man mean?

4.        M: I’ve been looking to buy a red sweater but I can’t find one anywhere in town.

W: You know I just saw one in the campus store and it looked like it may be your size.

Q: What does the woman say about the campus store?

5.        W: Can I use your computer this afternoon? Every time I go to the library none of the ones there are free.

M: I’ve got a big project to finish for tomorrow. Is there anyone else you can ask?

Q: What can be inferred about this question?

6.        M: Nancy, remember yesterday you asked me to pay your phone bill?  Well, I forgot

W: What? Yesterday was the last day of the month. Now I’ll have to pay an extra fee.

Q: What does the woman mean?

7.        W: What happened? We were supposed to meet here at 5 o clock. I’ve been waiting for almost 20 minutes.

M: Sorry. I was working all day on my history paper and I got so wrapped up in the research that I completely lost track of the time.

Q: what does the man mean?

8.     M: I wish I could help you but I’m not really good with computers. Whenever I have a problem with my computer, I just turn the whole thing off and then start all over again

W: Well I tried that already, about a dozen times.

Q: what can be inferred from the conversation?

9.     M: I’m really enjoying that literature class with Professor Benson. Wasn’t the lecture this morning interesting?

W: To tell you the truth, I was so exhausted from staying up last night to finish

 the reading but I didn’t get much out of it.

Q: What does the woman mean?

10. M: I’m looking for a gift for a friend of mine, any suggestions?

W: Well I’d have to know a little bit about your friend first. It’s hard for me to say otherwise.

Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?

11. M: Why are you lugging that heavy history book around? Don’t you know you     can read it all on the computer?

W: Yeah, but that’s not for me. There is something about the feel of the printed page that just appeals to me

Q: What does the woman mean?

12. W: Look at this place it’s a complete mess, my roommate never helps clean anything. She’s always on the phone and…

M: It sounds like one of you will have to go.

Q: What does the man mean?

13. W: I hope it’s not going to rain for the picnic on Sunday. I’d hate to have to call everyone and postpone it again.

M: Well, sorry to tell you this, but you’d better get the guest list and calendar out

Q; What does the man imply?

14.   M:I wish I could afford season tickets to the opera.

W: Well, just think of how much time you’ll have to do other things.

Q: What does the woman imply?

15.           W: So what we have in this article, Are 2 different opinions about the same historical period and I want you to notice how far apart they are.

M: Excuse me Professor Walton, but which one do you think is right?

Q: what does the man want the professor to do?

16.          W:I just found someone’s wallet lying in the street. Luckily the owner’s telephone number is inside.

M: My house is a short walk from here.

Q: What does the man imply?

17.          W: I need these articles photocopied and stapled for my 4o clock meeting. Do you think you can have it done by then?

M: There are several letters I need to type, they are not very urgent though. So I can make this my top priority

Q: What will the man probably do?

18.   W: Is biology class canceled next Friday for the long weekend?

M: Professor Smith cancel a class? You’ve gotta be joking.

Q: What does the man mean?

19.          M: I was wondering if you might be able to go to the drugstore for me and get a bottle of cough syrup and some flu medicine

W: You know you have been sick for over a week now. Why don’t you get yourself looked at?

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

20.         W: That was really nice of you to look over my application to graduate school. What did you think of my answer to that last question, you know, where I have to state my career goals and how I’ve been working towards them the past few years?

M: I think your statement is okay, but why do you mention only your courses. It seems to me you should also describe your work experience.

Q: What does the man imply?


21.          M: If Jane calls would you tell her I had to go to the newspaper office for a few minutes?

W: Okay should I tell her she can reach you anytime after, say, after 2 o’clock?

Q: What will the woman probably do when Jane calls?


22.   M: I’m so sorry, is that your coat over there? I just spilt coffee on it.

W: It’s no big deal. I was taking it to the cleaners anyway.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


23.          M: I’m studying biochemistry but I wonder if that field’s already too overcrowded

W: I doubt it. If present trends continue, you should pretty much have your pick of  jobs by the time you graduate.

Q. What does the woman mean?


24.          W: I’m on the publicity committee for the art school exhibition being held on Saturday. And umm, I’m wondering, you were supposed to have received an invitation.

M: is it this Saturday already? I’d forgotten about it, but, yes,  I did respond I’d be there.

Q: What does the man mean?


25.   M: I can’t imagine that anyone would pay 7 dollars for 3 ounces of toothpaste

W: I guess this new toothpaste company knows something we don’t. Because it sure seems to be selling

Q: What does the woman imply?



26.   M: Don’t u find Professor Johnson to be very intimidating?

He seems so strict in class

W: It might be too early to tell, but I hear he usually loosens up by about midterm

Q: What does the woman mean?



27.    M: It’s so nice and I plan to go hiking. But there is a storm warning on the radio.

W: If I were you, I’d reconsider. The weather can be very changeable around here.

Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?


28.          W: Have you noticed what creative drawings Cindy makes? I’m surprised she’s not interested in going into commercial art

M:I know. But I’m sure she will do well in law school too.

Q: What can be inferred about Cindy?


29.          W: Excuse me, I’m trying to get to the health clinic but I seem to have lost my way.

M: Sorry this is my first day on this campus

Q: What does the man imply?


30.          W: Are you interested in seeing that new film Saturday night? I heard it’s really good.

M: This Saturday? Well, thanks. But you know I’m a big sports fan and the basketball team is playing then. How about Sunday?

Q: What does the man imply?



Part B

Q: 31-34 Listen to a conversation between two students.

W: So you are up for some tennis this afternoon or what?

M; Well, to tell you the truth I’m not feeling so hot today.

W: Come on, How long has it been since we played?

M: A couple of days?

W: A couple of days? Come on! It’s been more than a couple of days

M: Yeah I guess your right. It’s been almost a week

W: It’s been exactly a week. And we used to play at least 3 times a week

M: I know. Playing right after class was something to look forward to.

W: Yeah and it was right before dinner so we’d build up an appetite

M: I guess I’ve been busy I guess and my stomach’s been bothering me today

W: But you look okay to me.

M: Well, I was up late with Steve in the library working on a project we gotta do by tomorrow for the anthropology class. We’ve been working on it all weekend. And I was drinking a lot of coffee. I guess I just drank too much.

W: Listen, I took that class last semester and I can meet you in the library later tonight and help you with it if you want. And then you’d have time to play tennis this afternoon.

M: Yeah I guess my stomach doesn’t hurt that bad and I can certainly use your help. But it’s also…

W: Is there something else bothering you?

M: Well, to be honest, I am getting tired of always losing.


31.What are the students mainly discussing?

32. When was the last time the speakers played tennis?

33. What does the man think is the reason for his stomachache?

34. What does the woman offer to do for the man?


Q:35- 38 Listen to a conversation between two students.

M: How about a walk Nancy?

W: Sure let’s go now before it gets dark

M: What’s your hurry?

W: Haven’t you noticed? The streetlights on campus are different. They give off a hazy yellow glow that makes some colors fade out. It’s not as much fun taking an evening walk as it was before.

M: Oh you mean the new sodium bulbs. Yea that was in the newspaper. They make things look different all right. But they provide better visibility than regular lighting. They are tuned to the colors in which human vision is the sharpest and that section is amplified. The problem is that a lot of the colors are blacked out.

W: Well I don’t feel comfortable when green looks like brown. Sodium bulbs might make sense for highways though, if they really do improve visibility so much.

M: Yea, and the interesting thing is that the new halogen headlights on cars cancel out the adverse aspects of sodium lighting and the colors appear natural again.

W: Well then sodium bulbs should be used only where there are a lot of cars. Why are they in places where I want to take a quiet walk. The city must be trying to save money

M: It is. Sodium bulbs last about 7 times longer than regular bulbs. You can’t beat that I guess


35.What is the main subject of this conversation?

36. Why does the woman want to take a walk right away?

37. Why do colors appear natural at night on a highway lighted by sodium bulbs?

38. What is one reason that sodium bulbs are being installed?


Part C

Q:39- 41 Listen to part of a talk in an architecture class.

I’d like to share with you today, my experience with a new approach to building a house. It’s called envelope building. Essentially what it means is that as you are building the house, you try to leave the landscape features on the land, especially the vegetation in their original condition. So what you are not doing, is the usual practice of “land scraping” by which I mean literally scraping or clearing land of any and all original plants.

Why is the approach called envelope building?  Because instead of clearing everything away you let the original landscape elements envelop or surround your house. Like a vegetation, physical features such as hills and slopes interesting rock formations, constitutes a significant part of the character of the building site. The design of the house should take these features of the property into account. Actually, integrating the original wild landscape with a house is not that new. The famous American architect Frank Lyod Wright was doing it about 65 years ago, so we are in good company. Envelope building is not as easy as it sounds though. Its not that you just build your house and leave the land alone. By building, you’re already damaging the original landscape. But as architects, we should try to work with environment, not against it. A creative architect can find ways to incorporate the natural landscape into the overall design.  For example, Wright used the massive boulders on the side of one of his most famous houses as part of the house’s foundation


39. According to the professor, what does the term land scraping refer to?

40. In envelope building, what is done with the landscape features of a building site?

41. Why does the professor mention the architect Frank Lyod Wright?


Q: 42-46 Listen to part of a lecture in a law class.

Today we are going to talk about copyrighting works of art. A copyright is proof of authorship. It protects artists against someone else using their work without their permission. It’s important to remember the United States copyright law protects

artistic impressions such as paintings but does not protect any idea, concepts, procedures, or technique. In older United States copyright law, artists needed to take several steps to obtain copyright protection. The law was changed in 1978 and again in 1989. For artists, the current law means everything they create is automatically and immediately copyrighted. They don’t have to file any documents. And under the protection of the copyright law, any re-creations of their original work such as prints are also covered by the artist’s copyright. Furthermore, any changes the artists make to their original works are covered. The Law also makes it clear that when someone buys a work of art they are not allowed to destroy or change that work of art. Artists keep the copyright even after selling a work of art. The purchaser may buy the physical work but the right to make prints or copies is still the artists. And the buyer does not automatically have any right to make and sell prints or copies of work. Although works are automatically copyrighted, artists are encouraged to register their work with the United States copyright office. Registering art provides additional legal protection and also gives people around the world the ability to approach the owners about licensing or purchasing right.


42. What is the talk mainly about?

43. When does the artist copyright start?

44. What does the United States copyright law state about a work of art that is sold?

45. What does the professor say about the United States copyright law?

46. What is an advantage of registering art with the United States copyright office?


Q: 47- 50 Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.

Today let’s talk about Synesthesia. That’s a brain condition in which  a person’s senses are combined in unusual ways. For example, a person with Synesthesia may taste sounds. To them a musical note may taste like a pickle. Many people who have Synesthesia experience intense colors when they hear specific words. For example, they might see a flash of pink every time they hear the word “jump.” For a long time, many scientist were unconvinced that Synesthesia really exists. So in the 1990s, an experiment was done to find out for sure. Two groups were studied. One was a group of people who claimed to experience colors when they heard certain words. The other was a control group. People who experienced nothing out of the ordinary when hearing words. Each group was asked to describe the colors they thought of when they heard a list of spoken words. When the test was repeated, the difference between the two groups was startling. After just a week, the control group gave the same answers only a third of the time. But even a year and a half later, the Synesthesia group gave the same answers 92 percent of the time. Clearly this is not just a matter of memory. Scientists are still not sure just why Synesthesia happens, but certain drugs are reportedly able to produce it artificially. So we all probably have brains with connections that could produce Synesthesia, it’s just that the connections normally aren’t used in that way.


47. What is the main purpose of the talk?

48. What is one example of that the professor mentions?

49. What was the purpose of the experiment the professor mentions?

50. What were some people in the study able to do?




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